CCI Co-Counselling Web Sites

These web sites are open to anyone who is interested in Co-Counselling

Contact Persons

National Contact Persons: CCI-World & CCI-UK

France Cocréer/Ecoute Mutuelle web-site


'Haus Kloppenburg' web site. A therapist co-operative that promotes CCI Co-Counselling in Münster, Germany. Mostly in German.


Co-Counseln Lernen. A web site with the aim to support people to learn co-counselling and to network with each other. Mostly in German.


This extensive CCI Co-Counselling (UK) web site puts an emphasis on CCI Co-Counselling in the United Kingdom. There are lists with regional Contact Persons, Core Training Courses and Co-Counselling Teachers.

James Kilty's co-counselling's page

Listing of UK CCI Groups


The Hungarian Co-Counselling Community site

It is the community web site of Hungarian CoCo-ers who are more or less active or who are interested but not yet cocoers.   


CCI Co-Counselling in Dublin


Dror Co-counseling


Co-Counselling Nederland (CCN), the Dutch Co-Counselling organisation.

New-Zealand The Aotearoa CCI web site with contacts in Wellington and Auckland.
USA The CCI-USA web site of the CCI Co-Counselling community in Connecticut.

CCI Co-Counselling online


A CCI email list for Co-Counsellors who did their Fundamentals training within Co-Counselling International (CCI). To subscribe, send an e-mail giving the name of your teacher and when and where you did your core training/fundamentals course, to cocolist-owneratgn[dot]apc[dot]org (subject: Subscribe%20to%20CoCoList) or go to


See the videos on YouTube: hear people talk about their own experiences and how co-counselling has helped them.

In French with a lot of pictures



To be told about occasional online workshops please email  virtualcocoworkshopsatgmail[dot]com (subject: Request%20to%20Join, body: Hi%0A%0APlease%20can%20you%20add%20me%20to%20the%20list.%20I%20trained%20with%20%3Cname%20of%20trainer%3E%20in%20%3Cyear%20trained%3E) with your name, your co-counselling trainer and the year in which you did your fundamentals/core training course. We will then place you on the mailing list so you will get invited to future workshops.

Re-evaluation Counseling

CCI (this site) and Re-evaluation Counseling are separate.  The organization and practice of co-counselling is substantially different between the two.  Qualification to co-counsel with the one does not qualify anyone to co-counsel with the other.  There is an explanation and links here.

The Re-evaluation Counseling Resources Site is an archive web site with lots of information relating to controversies about Re-evaluation Counseling (RC).