What content can you find and create on this web site?

This depends obviously also on whether you are logged in or not.

[collapse collapsed title=Blog entries]

Each co-counsellor can maintain a blog (a contraction of the term weblog), a kind of personal web journal. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and media related to its subject.

Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

You can choose the visibility of each blog entry: for your group or project only, for co-counsellors only or for everybody on the Internet. Where it co-counsellors concerns you can decide if they can leave comments.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Articles]

An article is a much more thought-through piece of work, as opposed to a blog entry that is written more in the spirit of the moment. Once you have finished your article, you can publish it or you it be reviewed and edited by friends first. For this you set up a peer review group and invite friends in. Publish your article first in that group and give your friends the opportunity to edit its text as well. Once you are satisfied, you make your article available to co-counsellor or to the Internet.

Articles have a title, a teaser and a body. The teaser appears in the overviews and is part of the body as well.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Wiki Editable Pages]

Everybody who is logged in at CoCoInfo can edit and work on a single piece of wiki content The fact that multiple people can edit a wiki page differentiates it from a blog or an article. A single article or blog is generally attributed to a single author. A single wiki page could have as few as one author or as many as tens or even hundreds of authors. Hence there are no acknowledgements of authors.

It is the collaborative effort that makes a wiki so great and that is how the Co-Counselling Community can really shine.

There are several kinds of wiki pages at the CoCoInfo site:

  • the general one
    Examples are 'International Contact Persons', 'Co-Counselling Web sites'. These need to be as updated as possible to be useful. Hence all co-counsellors can update them.

  • the book page
    These form parts of books such as 'How to...' books
    The wiki pages are created from within the respective books

  • the minutes - time limited wikis
    Several groups and projects have meetings that are minuted. After the meeting people can edit the minutes so that they reflect better what has been discussed. After some time the minutes are finalised and then they cannot be changed anymore. As minutes are parts of groups or projects  they can only be created from there. 

  • links
    These are links to a web sites and resources relevant to Co-Counselling..

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Forum topics]

There are many Forums on this web site.

  • The Support forums
    Here you may ask for support. People can give you support by sharing their experience or giving suggestions. It is not a discussion forum. Co-counselling issues can be discussed in groups or discussion forums. Discussions will be removed from these Support forums. All these forums are visible to all co-counsellors.
  • Discussion Forums
    Here people can raise topics, discuss each other views and clarify disagreements.
  • The Group and Project forums
    All groups and projects have their own forum. Depending on the chosen visibility, its forum might be visible to members only or to all co-counsellors.
  • Each Blog, Article, Book page, Wiki and Bookmark has its own forum where people can submit their comments to that specific content.

To add a forum topic you need to go to the specific forum where you want to raise your point.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Event Announcements]

Co-Counselling is known for its rich variety of events, ranging from introductory workshops, to a great variety of follow-up workshops, residentials and community days. Not to forget the organisational meetings and support and topical groups.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Groups]

In a group or club people come together with a common theme, topic, interest or denominator. Its focus is often on sharing, exchange, mutual support and networking, benefiting the group's members in the first place. Examples are an Internet based support group, a topic sharing group, e.g. coping with anxiety, a local co-counselling community or network, etc.

Your collaboration can also be focused on achieving deliverables benefiting people outside the group, such as maintaining a CCI business meetings archive or wring a manual.


Sections of the CoCoInfo web site

The CoCo Info web site has several sections: one for co-counsellors only, each co-counsellors group and project have their own sections and the section for the general public.

[collapse collapsed title=the Co-Counselling Community section]

You recognise when you are in this section by the following colouring of the CoCoInfo web site.

Here you can read content that is only accessible for Co-Counsellors. It is here where you can create content that potentially can be made visible to the outside world.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=Its groups]

Within the Co-Counselling Community Area there are groups and projects.
You can recognise that you are in one of the 'houses' by the following colouring of the CoCoInfo web site:

Here you can meet people and create together content that is optionally visible to only its group members. Several groups have content though that has been made visible to other groups, the CoCoInfo community, or even world-wide.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed title=The General Public section]

Here you are when you are not logged in as co-counsellor. You recognise this by the following colouring of the CoCo Info web site:

People here cannot create content. They can only read that information that has been made available for world-wide viewing.

[/collapse][collapse collapsed]

Visibility of your contributions

In short, content can be kept visible only within the 'houses' (groups or projects), or extended to all co-counsellors members of the CoCoInfo web site. It can be made also visible to everybody on the world-wide Internet.

When you write something you can decide yourself how widely your contribution can be read and/or edited.

  1. You can leave it for your eyes only. Handy for when you are still writing it.
  2. If you are a group or project member you can make it available to all the members or organiser of your group or project. You can even set up a small group and invite people to join in and to comment, proofread or edit your contribution before making it more widely available.
  3. You can make your contribution available to Co-Counsellors only.
  4. Last but not least, you can decide to make your writing available to everybody on the Internet.
