A great opportunity to spend time with co-counsellors from all around the country. A chance to co-counsel, to learn new skills and to be challenged and supported. Take some time for yourself, walk in the woods, dance, sing, play games and eat great food. The programme will be co-created from your ‘offers’ and ‘wants’ of sessions, workshops, happenings and support groups. All co-counsellors, especially those who have recently trained, are welcome. This workshop will be free of alcohol and other recreational drugs. For more details about the venue itself visit www.unstonegrange.co.uk.
We don’t expect there will be any Covid restrictions by then but if anything changes we will let you know.
Adult - early bird (£160)
Adult -normal rate £180
Adult Concessions - early bird (£120)
Adult Concessions -normal rate £140
Children (under 18) - early bird (£80)
Children (under 18) - normal rate £90
Children Concessions - early bird (£60)
Children Concessions - normal rate £70
Adult - early bird (£115)
Adult -normal rate £135
Adult Concessions - early bird (£75)
Adult Concessions -normal rate £95
Children (under 18) - early bird (£57.50)
Children (under 18) - normal rate £67.50
Children Concessions - early bird (£37.50)
Children Concessions - normal rate £47.50
Early Bird rate (in brackets) is for bookings and payments arriving by 31st March
Children under 18 are half-price. Infants under 5 are free
Concession rate is below cost for people on benefits or low income
Please pay by bank transfer to our account:
Bank: Triodos
Account Name: UK Spring CCI
Account Number: 20402783
Sort Code: 16-58-10
Reference: your name
Our receipt of your payment is acceptance of your booking. If you need confirmation, email John at john [at] john-masters [dot] co [dot] uk
Bookings: John Masters john [at] john-masters [dot] co [dot] uk
Room allocations, food and lifts (offered/needed): Jo Mills 141jomills [at] gmail [dot] com or text 0791 337 1170.
Enquiries: Jo or John