McCoCo 2021, 6 days, end of August
BOOKINGS are open!
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Yes, we can now confirm that the 22nd residential McCoCo is set to run and will be the first, and maybe only ever, 6-day-long McCoCo. It’s usually in May for a long weekend, but we are living in changed times, of course.
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As wonderful co-counsellor Mr Chris Beale once said…
‘’McCoCo is life at its best. Anything and everything can happen here. Apart from mealtimes, nothing much is fixed; we all create McCoCo together. In my experience, there’s always a fantastic range of activities on offer.’’ And others: ‘’ Hills, bluebells newly born lambs: it is glorious….. beautiful grounds…. a breath-taking place.’’
(See the comments below for more testimonials.)
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We need to receive 15 deposits of £100 by Mon 7th June. Please book now, if you are ready to do so.
NB: if we do not receive enough deposits by Mon 7th June the event will most likely not run.
Our recent consultation indicated that we should achieve that.
If you have a cash flow problem which makes that difficult, please get in touch.
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Wiston Lodge is a splendid old house in a huge and beautiful wooded estate: see it in all its glory at our website You’ll see pictures of the 52-acre grounds, including lawns, deciduous woodland, bonfire circles, tipis, and pond. We’ve even got our own mountain (‘Tinto’) to climb if you’re feeling restless before breakfast!
DATES: 28th Aug – 3rd Sept, Saturday evening to Friday after lunch.
Early bird, by 7th June 2021: £398 (£348 for campers).
Full fee: £439, (£389 for campers).
Price includes full board (and no washing up etc).
Deposit: £100 (see below). CAMPERS:The number of campers is limited (because of financial implications for the venue), so please book early.
LEAVING EARLY or ARRIVING LATE: We’d prefer folks to stay for the whole week, but we are OK with just a FEW people arriving late or leaving early. This would be by prior arrangement only. We may be able to reduce the fee accordingly: that will depend on bookings received. Please contact us ASAP about that.
NUMBERS: Minimum 25, max probably around 30.
VENUE EXCLUSIVITY: On previous occasions we have shared the dining room (but no other spaces) with another group, usually teenagers doing outward-bound stuff. This year, it’s almost certain we’ll be the only group (because of Covid precautions).
ACCOMMODATION: Good news! There are 9 large bedrooms and several cabins. We’ll be able to spread out with probably two to a room. Single rooms will be in short supply but there may be one or two. No promises yet on that.
CHILDREN: The event is open only to CCI co-counsellors.
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We are offering this residential event on the assumption that Covid restrictions in Scotland will be less limited by the end of August than at present. If we and/or the venue cancel the event (we hope not to do so!) you would get a full refund of all money you had paid.
Given the progress that has been made in the UK we are hoping that the event will not be too affected by restrictions (ie no masks, minimal social distancing). We are hoping all this will be clear by 26th July at the latest.
IMMUNITY: We ask everyone to get at least one COVID test, as we’ll be a group of around 25-30. Details about timing of required test(s) will follow here within a couple of days.
You may then only attend if your test is negative. Note that the ‘rapid lateral flow tests’ are for anyone, even if you don’t have symptoms, and give a result in 30 minutes using a device similar to a pregnancy test. Pick one up for free, at some pharmacies, or get one delivered. Here’s how to do the test:
INTERNATIONAL: Unless things change dramatically by August, this event is open only to residents of UK and Republic of Ireland.
OPENING CIRCLES: We are hoping the venue will erect their marquee (that’ll be nice!) for our whole-group meetings, which will allow us to spread out more than usual if needed.
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To book, go to
Contact us if that’s a technical problem.
Contact re: booking questions:
Richard Charles,
Tel: 07984 zero zero 2495
Email: richard AT
Messenger via Facebook: /richard.mills.102
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If you cancel your booking for any reason, we’ll do our best to give you a refund, partial or full.
We can’t yet offer any guarantees about this, as venue costs have to be met as a first priority.
Best wishes from the team:
Vicki Allen: food
Lilian Kennedy Brzoska: welcome party; beauty and order
Mick Drury: travel questions; bedroom allocation
Anna Green: joining instructions
Richard Charles Mills: - bookings; publicity; liaison with the venue
Best wishes from the team: Anna Green, Lilian Kennedy Brzoska, Mick Drury, Vicki Allen, and Richard Charles Mills
Prices: see the above announcement.
We'd like to make this event available to all income groups.
Please ask for a bursary if you need. We'd then see what we could do.
If you wish to support the event by offering money for the bursary fund please get in touch with us. Your contribution will then be offered to those who have asked for a bursary.
Payment: please go to our website
Contact details are on the website.
... and here:
Contact re: booking questions:
Richard Charles,
Tel: 07984 zero zero 2495
Email: richard AT
Messenger via Facebook: /richard.mills.102