FUNDAMENTALS OF CO-COUNSELLING IN Glasgow, Edinburgh and Kirkcaldy in CENTRAL SCOTLAND Nov. Dec. 2013/ Jan. 2014 beginning with a free taster day in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh.

Lilian Brzoska shall be assisted in various ways by co-counsellors, Sheila Lochrie from Edinburgh & Geoff Rowe from Glasgow. Geoff has returned from The Netherlands and is enjoying life in Scotland. All are experienced CoCounselling International co-counsellors, willing to support new people learn. They are very compassionate, creative people.

Event Dates
Saturday, 14 December, 2013 - 10:00 to Sunday, 15 December, 2013 - 18:30
Sheila's House
Scotland St. 0131 557 2419
Edinburgh EH!
Phone: 01592 566865 & 0141 328 7305,
Registration / Booking Information
Microsoft Office document icon fundamentals_central_scotland.doc17.5 KB
Contact Information

liliannakennedyatgmail [dot] com