This co-counselling training, run by long-time CCI co-counselling teacher Tonya Stewart (Tonya has been teaching co-counselling since she was 20), runs over five days at weekends in September and October 2017.
Dates: Saturday & Sunday September 16 and 17; Saturday September 30 and Saturday & Sunday October 14 and 15.
Cost: £299 (£199 ‘refreshers’/£80 trained ‘helpers’). Deposit required to confirm your place. Small additional fee for vegetarian lunch on course dates.
Last course filled up ahead of time (maximum 18 spaces) so early booking advised.
Fee details
Workshop fee £299
'Refresher' rate £199
Trained 'helpers' £80 (payable at time of booking)
Move to larger location has necessitated a slightly higher fee than before, but we have tried to keep this as accessible as possible.
Donations welcome
Your donation will help other people with less financial power to attend the event.
- Pay from your on-line bank account to
Sortcode: 40-22-12 Account number: 41539604
Please do this only once you have confirmed with Tonya that there is a place for you on the course.
- Make a cheque payable to Tonya Phillips
and send it to Tonya (please first confirm postal address with Tonya)
Tonya Stewart
Tel: 07919 00 6845
Email: tonyalittlewhitefeather [dot] co [dot] uk
Facebook: @ lwfeather or tonya gabrielle stewart
Twitter: @_whitefeather
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