Learn and practice peer to peer counselling (co-counselling).
Empower yourself to become your own leader
Relate honestly and with compassion to yourself and those around you.
Learning to nourish all relationships
Enable work in the world at large.
Become part of a local, national and international network of co-counsellors with whom you can continue regular co-counselling sessions.
A recent participant from a training said ‘Within a 10 minute co-counselling session, I was to my surprise able to access the buried grief about my dead father, something that was previously not possible."
This course will be facilitated by Kathleen Cassidy and by Celia Wilson who has trained Co-Counsellors for over 20 years and is active in the international Co-Counselling network.
£100 to £350 plus additional donation if wished, according to the following sliding scale:
£100 - Unemployed
£160- Annual income of approx 10K per year:
£190- Annual income of approx 15K per year
£220 - Annual income of approx 20K per year
£250- Annual income of approx 25K per year
£300 - Annual income of approx 30K per year
£350- Annual income of approx 35K per year
No one will be turned away for lack of funds and places for those on low wages and from marginalised groups will be prioritised. All people welcome.
Payment arrangements will be sent to you by email on booking
Kathleenspostbox [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line ' CoCounselling' phone: 07871955394.
celia [at] orchardox [dot] co [dot] uk
phone: +44(0)77 121 68897