This is a space for co-counsellors to come together, have a session, and through co-counselling, reconnect with themselves and wider humanity.  The workshop will include time for sessions, a refresher of the key coco principles, and will be facilitated by coco trainer Kathleen Cassidy.  Kathleen particularily welcomes anyone who feels rusty with coco and hasn't had a session in a long time. It is never too late to reconnect with yourself, your coco skillls and the network. 

Please share this opportunity with anyone you know is a trained co-counsellor who may be interested in joining. 

Event Dates
Thursday, 16 January, 2025 - 19:30 to 21:00
Money matters
Costs of attending: 

Registration is free.  

Payment arrangements

If you would like to donate something to cover prep time/zoom costs you are welcome to, but there is no obligation. There is an opton to donate upon registering on link below

Registration / Booking Information

You can register for free for the workshop on this link:

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen on cocounselling [dot] training [at] gmail [dot] com