Co-Counselling Teachers' ONLINE Learning Gathering 
Venue: ONLINE LINK (the same as CCI2020)
Date: 2021, September 18th

We welcome CCI teachers and all co-counsellors interested in teaching CCI courses.

Our Calling Question
How can we enrich our teaching in a way that we respond to some of the most challenging needs while we incorporate insights and outcomes of new science?

The Teachers’ ONLINE Learning Gathering 
contact Agota Ruzsa, ruzsa [dot] agota [at] gmail [dot] com 

Event Dates
Friday, 17 September, 2021 - 23:00 to Saturday, 18 September, 2021 - 22:55
Money matters
Costs of attending: 

Free and donations

Payment arrangements

It is a free of charge event. In case you'd like to offer donation to support CCI events in the future, your donation be transferred to AriadneGaia Foundation. Thank you. Account information: MagNet bank, address:1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 98. Account:SWIFT/BIC: HBWEHUHB EURO: IBAN: HU591620 0106 1157 1838 0000 0000 and OR PayPal: ariadnegaia [at] gmail [dot] com  

Registration / Booking Information

You may book right up until the day before it starts, ie. September 18th

Register here:

Contact Information

ruzsa [dot] agota [at] gmail [dot] com