5. Quick Reference


Brief synopsis of Co-Counselling
Summary of Techniques
Counsellor interventions

Brief Synopsis of Co-counselling

  • Deal with distress - past or present
  • Identify blocks and patterns
  • Deal with unfinished business and heal the past -Become aware of strengths
  • Set goals for the future
  • Liberate my Potential in:
    • Loving
    • Creativity
    • Understanding
    • Self-Direction
Golden rules
  1. Confidentiality
  2. Equal time
  3. Do not Advise or Judge
How to start a session
  1. Agree on Time
  2. Who goes first
  3. Type of Contract
  4. Identity check - especially if a new person
  5. Check end of session working time - say '3 minutes'
During a session
  1. Techniques to get into blocks and patterns
  2. Catharsis/deal with unfinished business
  3. Re-evaluate how this has affected my life
  4. Re-evaluate how I can now be
  5. Celebrate strengths
  6. Come back into present time
Free Attention
  • Listening only (being 'outwith')
  • Gentle eye contact
  • Physical contact if necessary

Be present for the client in an accepting and non- judgemental way

Counsellor picks up and draws attention to verbal and non-verbal, negative or charged cues the client gives out
Counsellor picks up as many cues as possible over a short period of time i.e. 3 minutes

Summary of Techniques

Identity check (ID) (with new counsellor)
  1. "Who do I remind you of?"
  2. "In what way"
  3. "What do you need to say to ...?"
  4. "Is there anything left unsaid to ...?"
Catch the thought
"What's the thought/feeling/gesture?"
Sentence completion
"I am feeling because ... and that makes me feel ..."
"Scan that ... When were the other times you felt ... Go back in time"
Literal description
"How old do you feel?"
"Describe that, say that in the present tense"
"What do you need to say to that you couldn't say then?"
Talking to the cushion
"Talk to him/her. Tell him/her"
"Say/Do that again. Keep repeating that"
"Exaggerate that movement/sound. Put some energy into that. Say that louder"
"Contradict that; say/do the opposite"
Acting into
"Would you like to put some energy into that?"
"Act into that feeling"
Role play
"Shall I role play that?" "What are the words?"
Reverse role play
Client becomes own oppressor whilst the counsellor says what the client cannot. Then switch back
Direction holding
  1. Go against a strong negative i.e. contradiction
  2. Keep to a particular theme (request at the beginning of the Session)
Coming back after a session
"Coming back to the present - What can you describe?" etc.:

Counsellor interventions

  • "What's on top?"
  • "How is it for you?"
  • "What's the thought/feeling?"
  • "Because ?"
  • "And now ?"
  • "Do you know what is stopping you?"
  • "If you did know - what would it be?"
  • "What is the worst thing that can happen?"
  • "Who are you really saying that to?"
  • "What do you really want to say to ...?"
  • "What does that remind you of?"
  • "Where did you first learn that?"
  • "Do you want more time."
  • "Do you want to be ?" (role play)
  • "Shall we switch over ?" (reverse role play)
  • "What's happening now?"