Brief synopsis of Co-Counselling
Summary of Techniques
Counsellor interventions
Brief Synopsis of Co-counselling
- Aims
- Deal with distress - past or present
- Identify blocks and patterns
- Deal with unfinished business and heal the past -Become aware of strengths
- Set goals for the future
- Liberate my Potential in:
- Loving
- Creativity
- Understanding
- Self-Direction
- Golden rules
- Confidentiality
- Equal time
- Do not Advise or Judge
- How to start a session
- Agree on Time
- Who goes first
- Type of Contract
- Identity check - especially if a new person
- Check end of session working time - say '3 minutes'
- During a session
- Techniques to get into blocks and patterns
- Catharsis/deal with unfinished business
- Re-evaluate how this has affected my life
- Re-evaluate how I can now be
- Celebrate strengths
- Come back into present time
- Contracts
- Free Attention
- Listening only (being 'outwith')
- Gentle eye contact
- Physical contact if necessary
Be present for the client in an accepting and non- judgemental way
- Normal
- Counsellor picks up and draws attention to verbal and non-verbal, negative or charged cues the client gives out
- Intensive
- Counsellor picks up as many cues as possible over a short period of time i.e. 3 minutes
Summary of Techniques
- Identity check (ID) (with new counsellor)
- "Who do I remind you of?"
- "In what way"
- "What do you need to say to ...?"
- "Is there anything left unsaid to ...?"
- Catch the thought
- "What's the thought/feeling/gesture?"
- Sentence completion
- "I am feeling because ... and that makes me feel ..."
- Scanning
- "Scan that ... When were the other times you felt ... Go back in time"
- Literal description
- "How old do you feel?"
"Describe that, say that in the present tense"
"What do you need to say to that you couldn't say then?" - Talking to the cushion
- "Talk to him/her. Tell him/her"
- Repetition/Exaggeration/Contradiction
- Repetition
- "Say/Do that again. Keep repeating that"
- Exaggeration
- "Exaggerate that movement/sound. Put some energy into that. Say that louder"
- Contradiction
- "Contradict that; say/do the opposite"
- Acting into
- "Would you like to put some energy into that?"
"Act into that feeling" - Role play
- "Shall I role play that?" "What are the words?"
- Reverse role play
- Client becomes own oppressor whilst the counsellor says what the client cannot. Then switch back
- Direction holding
- Go against a strong negative i.e. contradiction
- Keep to a particular theme (request at the beginning of the Session)
- Coming back after a session
- "Coming back to the present - What can you describe?" etc.:
Counsellor interventions
- "What's on top?"
- "How is it for you?"
- "What's the thought/feeling?"
- "Because ?"
- "And now ?"
- "Do you know what is stopping you?"
- "If you did know - what would it be?"
- "What is the worst thing that can happen?"
- "Who are you really saying that to?"
- "What do you really want to say to ...?"
- "What does that remind you of?"
- "Where did you first learn that?"
- "Do you want more time."
- "Do you want to be ?" (role play)
- "Shall we switch over ?" (reverse role play)
- "What's happening now?"